Saturday 5 May 2012


"Our Cubs have arrived!" Tia yeped. "We have to bring them to a far away place, though." Tai Lung reminded her. She rembered how she said that. "Well, let's name them!" Tia looked at the four cubs, two she-cubs and two tom-cubs. "The smallest one, that tom, we should name him Taio Claw, and the bigger tom To Leng. Then the she-cub with less spots, Suni Blow, Then the biggest cub- the other she-cub- her name shall be-" Tia said. Then Tai Lung inturrputed her. "Snowji River." He smiled, the first time, he ever smiled. "Yes! Snowji River." Tia smiled back. "We will train them till they are ready for the journey." Tai Lung rose to his paws. "I will go hunt for you." He headed out the heard a another yelp from Tia. "What was that?" He yelped. He looked, and Tia had ANOTHER cub! "It's a girl," Tia panted. "I get to name her," Tai Lung told Tia calmly. "Erm...  Junii Lingao." He told the cub.