
Tai Lung:
A strong warrior. He has one friend, he will have more soon. He was defeated by Po, the Dragon Warrior. He was ALMOST killed in the battle against Po, but he is still alive.

Tia Snow:
Tai Lung's only friend, a warrior snow leapord, she is a female. Tia Snow's mother knew Master Shifu, but they parted many years ago. Since Po is now Dragon Warrior, she is also against Po.

Silver isn't on Tai Lung's side. She is a good guy, along with Jubei and the rest. Silver doesn't trust everyone, and can be serious.

Fritz: A hip cheetah, and has lots of brothers and sisters.

A small hamster, who is Fritz's friend.

Sylia: A female lioness, who saved Fritz from her pride.

To make a character...
Name: (Example: Scar)
Animal: (Example: tiger)
Personality: (Example: Scar is a brave warrior. He isn't afraid of anything, and is bossy sometimes.)
Despcrition: (Example: When Scars was young, he knew Tigeress for few days of his life. Tigeress was found by Shifu, and they never saw each other again until Scar met Tai Lung; and Tai Lung told him that she was one of the Fourios Five.)


  1. Name: Silver
    Animal: Gray Wolf
    Personality: Fierce, a good guy, doesn't trust others too well
    Description: Silver used to live in a Clan, but she went away and came to the Valley Of Peace.

  2. @GreatShot
    Okay, I will add her as soon as I can!

  3. Name: Fritz

    Animal: Cheetah

    Personality: Nice, fun, hip and is very shy.

    Description: He was raised by Spots and Claws, he had 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Rocky, Junx, Grassy, and Sandy!

  4. @Cocoafang
    Since Fritz is a African animal, I will have to think about it.

  5. Ok Luvkitty! What about Scooter? x3 lol

    Animal:Hamster (kinda obvious cuz you've seen my blog)
    Personality:Funny, nice, cares about other and loves to scurry around the place! >.>
    Description:Ok, this isn't really a description, its more of how he meets them. So, Tai Lung is hunting and he finds him. Tai Snow tells him not 2 eat him cuz she cares about other animals. Tai Lung growls at her but listens. Thats all I got lol.

  6. Name: Streak
    Animal: Tiger
    Personality: Friendly, clever, fast, agile, athletic, knows a lot about karate but was taught kung fu by a random lone wolf named Star. Nice mostly, but when angry, STAY OUT OF HER WAY!!!!!!!!!!! Can be extremely random.
    Description: Normal tiger, wears a random sushi person headband that she found washed upon the beach and a double sword that her mother found and repaired. Tai Lung was her adopted brother but he ran away and was found later by you-know-who. She could meet him sometime deep in the forest and Tia Snow tries to attack her but Tai Lung stops Tia because he recognized Streak and then he and Streak have an exchange (of words) and then THEY get into a fight. Lol. That's all I have.

  7. Name: Gold
    Animal: Lioness (Not copying Sylvia its been her animal since journey to gongmen)
    Personallity:Ummm Errr cant think! Spino just gave her a random personality but keeping the idea of her deepest secret Shes tigresses sister!
    Discription: (how they meet) Gold is walking around and sees Tia snow up ahead and decides to go say hi when Tai Lung jumps out and...... you choose the rest

  8. Name: May Ling
    Animal: Tiger cross Snow Leopard
    Personality: May prefers to be alone, she hates peace and loves fighting. She usually likes to play guitar but sometimes she just sits in a tree watching others walk round town. May likes to be called May Ling, only her mother and father can call her May.
    Despcrition: May Ling is a secrect daughter of Tai Lung and Tigress, May once wandered over to the Jade palace and got into massive trouble for it, she'd never do anything like that again...Well...Maybe not ever ever. Shes quite a rebel and doesn't listen to the good guys, when she had a fight with Shifu she nearly broke his back...Not a good idea to show her face near the Jade palace now really. Nobody except Tigress, Tai Lung and May Ling knows that May is the daughter of Tigress and Tai Lung.


Be nice..........
Or you might get a big snow leopard at your door....