Sunday 5 February 2012

Chapter 1 The Dragon Warrior

Why would I be defeated by that stupid fat panda? Just how? I AM the REAL Dragon Warrior. Ever since Oogway said I had evil in me... That's HOW I became evil! Now Shifu has taken Oogway's place, and 'Po' is now 'Master Po'! I don't like this. Not at all. Those weaklings took my Golden Flower, argh, I just hate them! They fooled me! Impossible! I just wish I could jump on those weaklings and kill them!


  1. Awesome! I can't wait to see more, and Tai Lung: FYI, I kicked your butt! XD

  2. @Spino11
    Tai Lung: I snuck on Luvkitty's computer, but, Jubei, I HATE YOU.
    Luvkitty: TAI LUNG! GET OFF MY COMPUTER! Argh. Anyways, thanks.

  3. @Luvkitty
    I know what it's like to have someone evil to steal your computer, happens everyday to me...

  4. @Spino11
    Yea. Tai Lung has done it SIX times!

  5. tell me about it, he won't let go! already it's got scratches!


Be nice..........
Or you might get a big snow leopard at your door....